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Fujian provincial government awarded the title of brand-name products in Fujian workang

The provincial government awarded the "Wellcool brand 3D spacer fabric pillow" title of Fujian famous brand product

According to the Fujian famous brand product evaluation program, the provincial famous brand product assessment review committee, the provincial government agreed to awarded the title of "2014 Fujian famous brand products" the Fuyao Glass Industry Group Co., Ltd. production of "graphics card auto glass," and so on.

People’s Government of Fujian Province

  February 10, 2015

Source:Fujian provincial government  http://www.fujian.gov.cn/zwgk/zxwj/szfwj/201503/t20150302_917210.htm

2014 Fujian famous brand products


Staff to reporters about the 3D spacer fabric related products (Liu Qian photo)

Fujian provincial government issued the year 2014 Fujian famous brand product list, "wal Kang brand 3D spacer fabric pillow was selected, a good image of the product, at the same time and excellent quality of products, we believe that" good products speak for themselves! "

Get the secret of famous brand products? Focus on a product to do the industry leader

"Company from 2004 began independent research and development of 3D spacer fabric material, after 2008, this new material gradually began to attention by the market." ten years as one day, "attention" is the "wall Kang brand 3D spacer fabric pillow" to obtain the secret of province famous brand products.

Source: Quanzhou Evening News  http://qz.fjsen.com/2015-05/20/content_16113004.htm
